TelExpress currently has stock on the Tellabs/AFC items listed here. These units were recently pulled from working service and are in very good condition. Prices quoted are well below market, making this a very good chance to save big $$$$$.
Please call or email me if you are interested in any of these items or if you are looking for anything specific.
AFC / Tellabs' UMC 1000 is designed to give Loop Carriers massive amounts of flexibility in a small and economical form factory. It's single shelf design allows effective cost minimization for carriers that provide highly segmented services. the UMC 1000 also provides easy integration with existing line switches and transport nodes, offering unprecedented flexibility.
UMC1000 AC/DC Power Assembly
$399 each

UMC1000 AC Rectifier
$425 each

UMC1000 Interface Unit
$249 each

Fuse and Distribution Unit
$90 each