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Friday, January 9, 2009

Telecom Links to Make Your Life Easier

Whether you are new to the telecom industry or a seasoned veteran, you'll have to agree that sorting through the tons of information that you are bombarded with throughout your day can be a daunting task. As someone working in sales of telecom equipment, I can assure you that I'm always looking for ways to make my life easier. I'm sure you are too. I hope the following list of links proves to be useful to you.

  • List of Telecom Acronyms - Need to know what that weird abbreviation stands for? Here's a list from A/M to ZZK of Telecom Acronym definitions.
  • Online Dictionary of Computing - Like the first link, this link is really helpful to the newbie. It's an online Dictionary of Computing. Don't let the word "computing" throw you. I entered a couple telecom terms and found it brought back accurate definitions.
  • Telecom Encyclopedia - This is another good place to look up terms commonly used. I entered "fiber optic connectors" and it sent me to a page with a good definition and a chart with pictures of each type of connector. It also showed step-by step instructions -with pictures- on how to attach the connectors.
  • Online Manuals - I use this site all the time-not just for work. It helped me fix my vacuum cleaner and to reprogram my DVR remote control. I'm the world's worst to lose the manuals that come with the stuff I buy. Well anyway, it's a great place to search for online manuals of all kinds. They also have a forum where you can ask for the manual if you don't see the one you need.
  • White Papers - Ever wonder if there is a central place that stores telecommunication White Papers...there is! (registration required)
  • Telecom Events - Want to take a trip on the boss's dime? Here are some places you could go. For those of you too valuable to the company to be allowed out of the office, you can search the archive they have quite a few online webinars that look very informative and don't require an expense account.

Warning- Shameless Self-promotion ahead:

If you know of some sites that have been useful to you please feel free to post them in the comments.

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